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The French Revolution

Trailer of "La Môme" starring Marion Cotillard as Edith Piaf.

Trailer: Audrey Tautou as the young Coco in the movie Coco avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel).

Learning French The Easy Way

Learning French is easy. Rules are relatively clear and coherent. All one has to do is to blindly apply them forgetting his/her mother tongue in the process.
Here is a sample.

First Lesson: The French Nouns

Lesson #1 French Nouns

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

France's First Lady on Film

By Pamela Grace Lim

photo credit: http://friller.com

The French supermodel-turned-singer Carla Bruni is the first lady of France. And what better way to tell the world about her life, career and marriage than through an 80-minute documentary film? The result: "Somebody Told Me About... Carla Bruni" (2009), which was shown on French television early this year--right on New Year's Day.

Filmmaker George Scott started out with a proposal to make a music film about the model-turned-signer. At first, Bruni, 41, doubted if her life was interesting enough, saying, "you don't have much to work on with me," but agreed to do the film anyway.

A month later, she became one of the most talked-about women in the world. The reason? Her public affair with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

After this revelation, Scott thought Bruni would no longer pursue the film--but she did. Scott was given a pass to follow Bruni around the presidential Elysée Palace, as well as her Paris and Riviera homes, for a first glimpse of the life of the first lady, now famously known as Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. The couple formally tied the knot in February 2008.

photo credit: http://layoder.files.wordpress.com

The documentary film covered interviews, recordings and revelations about the romance and marriage of Bruni-Sarkozy. She openly shared how she told Sarkozy that she will not give up her music career just because she is going to be the wife of a president. One of the highlights of the film was when Sarkozy made a surprise visit while she was set to record her new album. The cameras caught Sarkozy shaking hands with the whole French crew, kissing his wife, and smiling so broadly as he watched her sing. Scott observed that the president was obviously very much in love.

Bruni-Sarkozy also gave Scott access to her family and friends, providing a deeper look into her background and personality.

Carla Gilberta Bruni Tedeschi was born in Turin, Italy on December 23, 1967 to mother Marisa Borini, a concert pianist, and stepfather Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, a composer and owner of a tire manufacturing company, CEAT. In the 1970s, her family moved to France due to kidnap threats from terrorists. Bruni began her modeling career in her teenage years, and by the '90s, became one of the world's highest paid models. She modeled for French brands Chanel and Christian Dior, and made it to the cover of about 250 magazines. On top of that, she can speak Italian, French and English fluently.

photo credit: http://elobservador.rctv.net

In the late '90s, the then-29-year-old Bruni decided to leave the fashion world, and entered a new career as a singer-songwriter. Her first album, titled "Quelqu'un m'a dit (Someone Told Me)" was released in 2002. It was followed by her second album, "No Promises," in January 2007.

Bruni-Sarkozy also said that she was timid when she was young, the opposite of what she has become. “Perhaps you unconsciously seek out what is most difficult, or perhaps contradiction is really important in a human being,” she said.

Scott also got another exclusive look at the presidential couple's vacation when he visited Bruni-Sarkozy's family mansion in August at Cap Nègre. The film also features the state visit to London where Bruni-Sarkozy paid a warm tribute to the Royal family. It also tackled the controversies she got involved in, including the publication in British newspapers of a nude photograph taken during her modeling days. She confidently stated that she is not ashamed of anything she has done: "Other models posed nude but none of them married a president."

As the first lady, Bruni-Sarkozy says she wants to send the message that she is serious about her responsibilities, and as a singer, she wishes to continue writing new songs for other people and continue to perform live, even when her husband is no longer president.

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Hélene Segara - Elle Tu L'aimes

Album: Au Nom D'une Femme

Year: 2000

Title: Elle Tu L'aimes

Elle tu l'aimes si fort si fort
Au point, je sais que tu serais perdu sans elle
Elle tu l'aimes autant je crois que j'ai besoin de toi
Moi j'enferme ma vie dans ton silence
Elle tu l'aimes c'est toute la différence
Elle tu l'aimes au point sûrement
D'avoir au coeur un incendie qui s'éternise
Elle tu l'aimes et moi sans toi en plein soleil j'ai froid
Plus ma peine grandit en ton absence
Plus tu l'aimes c'est toute la différence
Elle tu l'aimes si fort si fort
Au point, je sais que tu pourrais mourir pour elle
Elle tu l'aimes si fort, et moi je n'aime toujours que toi

Sacha Distel & Brigitte Bardot

Title: Tu Es Le Soleil De Ma Vie

Tu es le soleil de ma vie
Tu es le soleil de mes jours
(Toi) Tu es le soleil de mes nuits
Tu es le soleil de l' amour

1. C' est comme si tout avait commencé
Depuis plus d' un million d'années
C'est comme si nous nous étions trouvés
En nous cherchant
Depuis la nuit des temps
2. C'est comme si je t'avais attendue
Dès le matin du premier jour
C'est comme si je t'avais reconnue
Quand je t'ai vue venir à mon secours

Coralie Clément
Lyrics : L'ombre Et La Lumière :

Un beau jour
Ou était-ce une nuit
On s'assoit sur un banc
On décide de refaire sa vie
Et sous le firmament
On oublie les règles et les acquis
Et tous nos différends
Sont différents

Un beau jour
Une fin d'après midi
On vole aux quatre vents
Vers un ailleurs
Un atoll, un abri
Une rivière de diamants
On oublie les comptes et les débits
Les quoi, les où, les quand
Simplement, simplement

C'est l'ombre et la lumière
Ces petits riens qu'on aimait tant naguère
San Rémo, le printemps en fleurs
Au loin j'entends battre ton coeur

C'est l'ombre et la lumière
Les vacanciers qui partent aux sports d'hiver
Monaco, Venise ou Honfleur
Plus qu'un rêve, un leurre

Un beau jour
Ou était-ce une nuit
On revient sur le banc
On reprend le cours de sa vie
On oublie simplement
Qu'on a vu un peu du paradis
Des mers, des éléments
Simplement, simplement

C'est l'ombre et la lumière
Ces petits riens qu'on aimait tant naguère
San Rémo, le printemps en fleurs
Au loin j'entends battre ton coeur

C'est l'ombre et la lumière
Les vacanciers qui partent aux sports d'hiver
Monaco, Venise ou Honfleur
Plus qu'un rêve, un leurre
